The True Honey Co. Defence Lozenges
The True Honey Co. Defence Lozenges
The True Honey Co. Defence Lozenges
The True Honey Co. Defence Lozenges
The True Honey Co. Defence Lozenges
The True Honey Co. Defence Lozenges

Defence Lozenges

A delicious and easy way to naturally support immune health and energy levels for people with busy lives. Experience the potent combination of 400 MGO mānuka honey, echinacea, and propolis in a lozenge form, perfect for on-the-go support and to keep you healthy and energized to stay on top of your daily schedule without interruption. 

- Packed with an impressive 90% authentic, high-grade MGO mānuka honey
- No artificial colours, preservatives, or added sugars
- 100% New Zealand made

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Authentic quality you can trust

The True Honey Co. is committed to meeting the highest export regulations including MPI, AsureQuality and the UMFHA guidelines. This mānuka honey has been tested by an independent laboratory for quality and purity, and certified by the UMF™ Honey Association (licence number: 2900). AsureQuality has audited every step of its journey from bee to you – ensuring it is safe, ethically made and good to eat. And every jar carries the FernMark – your guarantee that it was produced, harvested and bottled in New Zealand. (licence No.100086).

Where to buy

You can purchase this product online or visit one of our stockists.


Store at 20-25°C away from direct sunlight and moisture.


Our lozenges come in a 8 lozenge blister pack tray. Conveniently pop a lozenge into your hand when you are on the go.

Nutritional Information Defence Lozenges /

Ingredients: New Zealand mānuka honey. Every batch is independently tested for its methylglyoxal levels.
